Accessories for Speed-Mat® Mat Cutters
Customize your Esterly Mat Cutter to meet your demands
You can view photographs and read more about Speed-Mat Accessories by clicking on the product name.
How to Order Accessories
Speed-Mat Accessories can be ordered by contacting us directly at 1.800.882.7017 or by using our online order form.
Genuine Esterly blades- not only are they designed to perform with Speed-Mat's mat cutters, they're stronger and longer lasting than the competition. Why risk using knockoff blades when you can buy quality blades straight from our factory?
Call us today and a factory representative will help you make the perfect choice in blades for your needs: 1.800.882.7017
Esterly Advantage
- 448.1 100pk of Advantage Blades
- 449.1 500pk of Advantage Blades
Esterly Hi-Pro
- 449.2 500pk of Hi-Pro Blades
Esterly Creator
- 449.3 500pk of Esterly Creator Blades
Speed-Mat is proud to offer the perfect mat cutters for all levels of production. From a basic manual knifehead for simple operations, to an ergonomic/pneumatic solution for high-production environments- we offer the best products at the right prices.
Call Speed-Mat for details on upgrading your knifehead packages: 1.800.882.7017
Manual Indexing Knifeheads
Looking for a unique cut? Try our various bevels and v-groove knifehead sets.
- 433.0 45° Bevel Manual Indexing
- 433.1 8 ply / 45° Bevel Manual Indexing
- 434.0 60° Bevel Manual Indexing
- 435.0 90° Straight Edge Manual Indexing
- 436.0 Double Blade V-Groove
Pneumatic Knifeheads
Ergonomic mat cutting- more efficient and productive than a manual cutter. With the flick of a switch, you can rotate the knifehead and get clean corners every time.
- 454.0 4 ply 45° Pneumatic Indexing
Oval Knifeheads
Create beautiful and clean oval or circle mats! Combine our mat cutter heads with an Oval/Circle Carriage, and you're able to create fantastic, clean and professional rounded mats. Don't forget a glass-cutter or v-groove to finish it off!
- 438.0 45° Oval/Circle Mat Cutter Head
- 438.1 60° Oval/Circle Mat Cutter Head
- 438.2 90° Oval/Circle Mat Cutter Head
- 440.0 90° Oval/Circle Glass Cutter
- 441.0 Oval/Circle V-Groove Block
Knifehead Carriages
- 432.0 Rectangle Carriage with Knifehead (standard on all machines)
- 437.0 Oval/Circle Carriage with Knifehead
Pneumatic Mat Cutting
- 107.1 Pneumatic Kit
Mat Clamp
Matting & Framing Sizers
- 442.0 Mat, Glass, Plastic, Foam Sizer Kit
- 443.0 Mat, Glass, Plastic, Foam Sizer Knife
Learn more about this unique, compact and useful addition to your mat cutter!
Carriage Stops
- 444.0 Flip-Top Carriage Stops, set of 8
No built-in offsets
Production Stops/Spacers
- 446.0 Production Stop/Spacers, set of 8
Built-in offsets for 1/16", 3/16", 1/4", 3/8" and 1/2"
Speed-Mat Training Videos
- 450.0 Basic Training Video (VHS)
- 451.0 Advanced Training Video (VHS)
Videos may be copied and returned for refund.