Testimonials from Speed-Mat Customers

Comments from Artists, Frame Shops and Galleries

Mat cutting for artists and galleries Speed-Mat's customers have been thrilled with the quality of their investment- just ask an owner! Speed-Mat has been helping artists, framers and museums and galleries make beautiful mats at a fraction of the cost of a CMC.

Speed-Mat Featured on Luminous Landscape

Referrals from a professional photographer & mat cutter

Speed-Mat has been honored recently by a number of personal referrals from Bill Atkinson. Bill appeared on a DVD with Michael Reichmann of Luminous Landscape.  Luminous Landscape has a great web site offering numerous tips and product reviews- check it out at: www.luminous-landscape.com. A Speed-Mat mat cutter was featured in a recent video tutorial, and Bill Atkinson had this to say about his machine:

I love my Esterly Speed-Mat and wouldn't cut my own mats without it... If you have ever cut mats with a classic hinged mat cutter, you will be delighted with the Speed-Mat. Perfect mats every time unless I goof on the dimensions, and much less wasted expensive mat board.
Bill Atkinson
(Appearing on a DVD from The Luminous Landscape)

Customer Testimonials & Praise

Photographers & Photo Mat Cutting

"Great for mats and glass."

Dorman Images, Seattle

"Your technical assistance is superb. Speed-Mat is meeting and exceeding my expectations."

Steve Hubbard
Newcastle, CA

"I am extremely impressed with this cutter! I cut perfect mats my first time and very accurately so. I get a kick out of just showing this to any of my artist friends that work with traditional table top cutters."

Mark Muntean
Mark Muntean Photography Portola Valley, CA

"Best employee I have."

Fred Watson
Vision Quest Arts Reno, NV

"[My Esterly Mat Cutter] has worked flawlessly! It's exceeding my expectations, and has taken a lot of extra work off my shoulders... Excellent Cutter!"

Nathan Wotkyns
Wide Angle - St. George, UT

"Right out of the box it has worked great. Easy set-up. You can learn to cut quality mats quickly. I am very pleased with the quality and ease-of-operation of this machine. I can train people to use it quickly. Once the stops are set, it is hard to mess up."

Gary Gonzini
Herff Jones, Inc. Champlain, IL

Art Galleries & Museums

"Absolutely no need for computerized ones when yours is so good!"

Eric Colen's Framing and Art
Rye, NH

"When Esterly invented this, he invented the greatest thing in the world. You could train a chimpanzee to use this."

Joseph Yorizzo
Huntington Art Gallery
New York, NY

Custom Framing & High-Production Matting

"This has been an excellent machine! We love it! Please give our thanks to Mr. Esterly!"
Lotus Miyashita
Lotus Miyashita Design - BC, Canada

Online Comments

For more customer testimonials and opinions, visit the Picture Framer's Grumble- www.thegrumble.com!

"For me the appeal of the Esterly would allow me to do alot of functions versus buying multiple machines. Plus the wall mounted feature of Esterly is appealing."
theGrumble Forum Member

"For anyone who has cut their own mats by hand before this is worth its weight in gold."
Peter Adams
Peter Adams Weblog

Prominent Customers

Custom Mat Cutters for any sized Organization

Speed-Mat has helped a number of organizations find an affordable, reliable matting solution. From internationally renowned museums to individual artists and crafters, there is an Esterly machine to fit every need.

Contact Speed-Mat today, and a factory representative can provide you with a customized quote.
Call Toll-free: 800-882-7017


  • The Art Institute of Chicago
  • Bates College
  • Brigham Young University
  • Cornell University
  • Wellesley College


  • The Smithsonian Institute
  • The J. Paul Getty Museum
  • Harvard University Art Museum
  • National Museum of American Indian
  • New York Historical Society
  • The Tate Gallery


  • Coldwater Creek
  • Crestar Manufacturing
  • Crescent Cardboard
  • Hewlett Packard
  • Edna Hibel
  • Impulse Designs Inc.
  • Prints Plus Corp.
  • Tandycrafts Inc.
  • U.S. House of Representatives